Self esteem is one of the most important properties you can boost of in life, it fetches you a lot of goodies, makes you receive favors like freebies and makes it look as if there is something God gave you which he didn’t give others, well you can’t get it through any diabolic means or through praying and fasting but you can pray to God to give you the ability to read and understand these tips that I prepared for your reading and understanding pleasure come on people let’s go.
1. APPEARANCE; This is one of the most important priorities when gunning for self esteem. Your appearance being good does not mean that you have broken a bank or that you are the son/daughter of bill gates, Aliko dangote or Mike adenuga noooo you might be poor but your appearance tells others where you are heading to after all my Webster’s dictionary tells me that appearance is an “outward show hiding the real conditions” which means that you must not be necessarily rich before you can look good. Moreover when your appearance is unpleasant you are indirectly telling other people that you are poor and have no hope thereby piecing them off.
2. NEATNESS; Neatness must be every man’s no 1 priority; it is one of the things that that attracts people to you it should have been part of your appearance but this one includes your body and mouth odor e.t.c. shave those hairy areas of your body (especially the ladies), make good use of your body spray, shampoo, toothpaste and brush e.t.c not forgetting your shaving stick, clipper (for men) e.t.c. because when you posses a bad odor the way people will be running away from you someone who does not know what’s going on might think that you are chasing them with cutlass and note that committing murder those not only mean that you are gonna pull the trigger at someone or strangle with hands or machete e.t.c if someone suffocates because of your offensive odor you have committed murder and maybe liable to go to hell, lol.
3. ATTITUDE; Ha ha ha, “this one dey bad” I know you must have had of that mesmerizing word “SWAG”, some people use this word without knowing the actual meaning thereby they go about touting themselves and degrading there self esteem. A good attitude(swag) helps generate self esteem an attitude is all about having your own way of doing things(style) like talking, walking e.t.c and composure which is your being calm. For example other guys/girls might be castigating themselves in other to spin a particular girl/boy with their fake “swag” but the way you will present yourself to the girl will make the girl/boy to admire you a lot and that’s your self esteem for you.
4. SELF COMPORTMENT; Self comportment brings about self esteem it is an aspect of attitude but I have to break it down separately because it is very very important in fact anybody who wants to develop self esteem must have this as his/her number one priority self comportment which is you respecting yourself also attracts respect from others vice-versa, it makes people want to know more about you respect you a lot which is also your self esteem for you, that guy is being insulted by a girl is because he didn’t comport himself. So people you’ve got to comport yourself anywhere anytime let’s move to the fifth tip.
5. HUMILITY; Look at the Nigerian musician 2face Idibia and you will understand exactly where am going. As Photoshop beautifies photographs so humility beautifies self esteem. Many people actually think that they are being respected when they walk as if they’ve got hunchbacks but that’s ignorance, I see arrogant people as ignoramuses there is a popular saying which states that “empty vessels makes the loudest noise” and that’s an undisputable truth . When a naija guy says, “that guy him too dey pose Na wetin him think say him be sef” and a Yankee guy asks “what you got?” then tell me have you developed self esteem? Why should you walk like someone who have got a boxing opposition to frighten, is there anybody wearing gloves around you? So stop that nonsense maeeeen arrogance is an I.D card for ignoramuses, humility is the way to self esteem.
6. INDEPENDENCE; Yes, some guys/girls turn their selves into beggars and think its smartness not knowing that they are volunteering their selves to be used as rags, that your so called boyfriend has no right to force fully demand for sex from you if you respect yourself financially, your wife won’t insult you if you are independent and financially responsible, nobody will runaway on sighting you if you are not trying to render them bankrupt with your regular begging. As there is no food for lazy man there is also no respect for a self-made beggar.
7. HONESTY; You might tell lies and get away with it but when the truth comes out your self esteem goes down, you now be regarded to as that boy/girl that likes to lie every time by then you have become a public figure on the negative side. So guys do choose to be a smart guy with no self esteem or a straightforward guy with large amount of self esteem? The choice is yours lets move to number 8
8. MANNERS; Manners is a good investment which has its profit as self-esteem people believe that someone who posses good manners is probably from a good home so you have to utilize that and upgrade your self-esteem even if you do not come from a good home it doesn’t matter just work on it, bad manners is archaic and primitive.
10. EDUCATION; This is the ultimate, without education you are a nobody, a riffraff I don’t need to explain much on this just try to compare an ssce certificate holder with a PhD or even an degree holder and see for your self.
Written by

Javill is an upcoming Record producer, Singer an Songwriter
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