Sunday, 20 November 2011


Embarrassment  is something that strikes without warning especially when ignored it can make you do goofy things  like fighting(deadly) e.t.c but it can be prevented using this few but mighty tips am gonna give to you now. Oya let’s go.

1.BUY QUALITY WEARS; quality wears must not be left out when eliminating embarrassment, you must not buy-off the whole store when buying wears you can buy few of them as your bucks allows but concentrate on the quality in other to avoid goofy things like your clothe being thorn from that bad side of your back by just a soft touch of an iron. 
2.MIND THE KIND OF FRIENDS YOU FOLLOW; Yes, friends the goofy ones can be a driving force to embarrassment.
* Is your friend the type that would like to show-off? His boxing ability in just a little argument?
* Is he/she the type that likes to prove he/she can perform better than AY and basketmouth when it comes to a little misunderstanding? Likes to fight,cheat,beef,gossip e.t.c  with slightest chance? If it’s so you have to quit just don’t be close not to talk of being too close take him/her slightly if you must avoid embarrassment.   
3.MIND THE PLACES YOU GO; Don’t go to places where your reasoning do not match with that of those in it.
 For my people in Naija avoid entering moluwe,ohakim bus e.t.c to avoid the usual “shift shift”, “conductor give me my change”, “madam shift now” and all the rest of those goofy things experienced in those buses.      
4. MIND YOUR DRESS CODE; Yes, dress code matters there is a popular saying that “the way you dress is the way you are addressed” that’s true.
You wouldn’t like to be shouted at by an elderly person for exposing your booty right?                                                                                               
You wouldn’t like to be accused of being a prostitute right?
You wouldn’t like to be harassed by a mentally derailed person or one those area boys (touts) right? E.t.c so mind your dress code.
Mind you I don’t mean that there is anything wrong with being in or foxy but you’ve got to limit it to some extent and appear foxy but decent. Not also that dressing indecently does not only mean being naked if you are the type that puts on a suite with a pair of sandals or an Ankara made clothe together with a baseball cap e.t.c you are also dressing indecently and can receive a resounding slap on approaching a girl and so on.  
5. AVOID HIGH HEEL SHOES; If you put on a high heel shoe there is the possibility that you will fall at any time and maybe in front of that girl/boy you are eyeing.  
6. GO TO JOHN DAILY; Going to john daily will prevent you from excretory mess ups, you wouldn’t like everybody to runaway just because of what came out of your system or you running like Ben Johnson because of what was trying to jump out of the last segment of your excretory system, imaging you messing up while with you girl/boyfriend, to me it’s the end of that relationship, or you going to someone’s house and the first thing you ask is where is your toilet. Check it out it’s somehow and it’s the worst embarrassment you can get.     
So homies check out those tips and say bye to embarrassment. See ya bye.
Written by
Javill is an upcoming Record producer, Singer, Songwriter.

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