Sunday, 20 November 2011


            To comport yourself means to behave yourself it is an act that generates self esteem (dignity), it commands respect from others it might be your co-workers, classmates e.t.c but the question people ask is this, how do I comport myself? Well, if you are one of them thank your God because I have outlined undisputable steps that you can use to provide an answer to your question.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Okay lets get the ball rolling                                                                                         
1. FOCUS; Try to be focused on whatever you are doing. Ask yourself, what have I came here to do? Have I come here to read, write or earn myself some bucks? Answer and face the answer you gave yourself then you will see it working like magic. You will also notice that when you are focused on what you are doing you will become more successful and your mates will be consulting you to teach or enlighten them the more.                                                                                                           
2. GET BUSY; An idle man can’t comport himself no matter how hard he tries unless he gets himself busy with something, an idle man is either gossiping or telling cock and bull stories that way you can see that he is not respecting himself because by gossiping he is indirectly volunteering himself to be insulted. So for you to comport yourself well in public you have to get busy. Because when you are busy you won’t have the time to misbehave.                                                                                 
3. AVOID “NOTICE ME”; Some people always want to be noticed wherever they are, they might walk into a gathering and make one useless noise only for them to be noticed, please if you are one of those people withdraw immediately that’s a very childish behavior, if you want to be noticed do it by contributing wisely to the issue being treated in the gathering. Help yourself by eliminating the “notice me” attitude and watch it happen like magic.                                                              
4. DON’T BE ALL ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX; Nobody in this world can say he/she does not have feelings for the opposite sex if anybody does so it’s either he/she is a liar or gay, but all the same that is not enough reason for you to be foolish, Yes if you are a boy, and your position while walking on the road is always behind a girl’s back you are foolish and if you are a girl and your route is always across bars or fast foods where paparazzis are relaxing you are a fool. Try to control yourself, there is time for everything don’t spend the vast majority of your time spinning or trying to spin the opposite sex because even when you spend 40% of your time on different people from the opposite sex you are close to being a fool.
5. STAND OUT FROM THAT FOOLISH CROWD; “When you see a group of people doing one particular thing try to find another thin to do” for instance the whole boys/girls in your school or church (it might be anywhere) might be coming there for one purpose which is to chase after girls/boys, try to not to follow them you might look “uncool” to them at first but as time goes on they will begin to wonder and start wanting to know your secret by then you have comported yourself and earned yourself some respect.                                                                                                                                                                                                               Good luck                                                          
                                                                                                                                    Written by