Saturday, 26 November 2011


As respect can be acquired it can also be lost if care is not taken, I guess you know that already so the question is how can I protect my respect? And waow!!! You’ve got the answer below.                                                                                                                                              Happy reading and understanding.                                                              
1. DON’T OVER CATCH THE FUN; It is sweet to see yourself being respected but you must be careful, in my native language (Igbo) there is a saying which states that “ihe n’ato uto n’egbu egbu” which means that anything that sweets kills and if you check it well it’s true. When you discover that someone is respecting never you allow your brains to be filled with pride because if you do, that respect will turn to envy and hatred, take yourself for example, when you find out that the girl/boy you adore so much has become proud and arrogant, what will you do? Check it out, and moreover one of the steps to developing self esteem is humility.                 
2. REBEL AGAINST THE NUMBER ONE RULE OF RESPECT; Now you might ask, what is this number one rule of respect? Well the number rule of respect is that respect is reciprocal, for the fact that you are being respected never you forget to respect others vice-versa because it’s likely that when you are being respected you lose regards for other people which will cause you to lose your respect an turn it to it’s direct opposite.          
3. DON’T BE TOO LOSE; When you develop self esteem many people will be approaching you some of them trying to make you their playmate but be careful this time around because many of this people are just trying to spy you and when they succeed in knowing almost everything about you (your in and out) you become nothing to them and when another with self esteem comes around you become a past tense, it’s just like when a guy falls in lust with a girl all he wants is sex and when he gets what he wants an finds another girl he becomes fed up.    
4. MINGLE WITH YOUR CLASS; Yes, you have to, it’s not as if am tryna tell you to be arrogant no!!! if you see people below your class relate with them normally  but let it not be too much just flash your light and off it if not someone might be talking about you (admiring), how you comport yourself and all that and a stupid one amongst them will say thus , “that guy? I know him now, look at his/her number here, see the text he/she sent me ha ha ha he/she is stupid sometimes”. By that the goofy guy has painted you black and become a self esteem degrading agent in the quest to form familiarity.   

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